Key Takeaways

  • The Shift in Men's Fashion: Suits have transitioned from a professional necessity to a personal style statement, reflecting modern sartorial preferences.

  • Bespoke vs. Custom: Understanding the subtle differences between bespoke and made-to-measure tailoring, and their impact on individual style.

  • Custom Suit Choices: The importance of lapels, buttons, and fabric in crafting a custom suit, and how these elements influence the overall aesthetic.

  • Single-Breasted Suit Jackets: An exploration of the classic single-breasted jacket, its evolution, and the significance of features like the notch and peak lapels.

  • The Three-Roll-Two Jacket: Delving into the unique Italian tailoring style of the three-roll-two jacket, combining structure with a relaxed elegance.

  • Personal Expression in Tailoring: Emphasizing the role of aesthetics and personal significance in men's fashion, beyond mere functionality.

  • The Sentimental Value of Tailoring: How tailored garments can hold emotional significance and connect us to our heritage and personal stories.

  • Elegance in Uncertain Times: Embracing timeless elegance and the art of tailoring as a statement of resilience and personal values in a changing world.

The Evolution of the Suit in Modern Men's Fashion

In this new era of men's fashion, the paradigm of wearing a suit has shifted remarkably. Gone are the days when donning a suit was a rigid dress code necessity for professionals in banks, insurance companies, or large corporations. This change has been particularly evident as more institutions and companies relax their dress codes, a trend accelerated by the rise in working from home. In these times, the quintessential suit jacket or classic blazer is no longer a mere requirement but a choice—a statement of personal style and preference.

Bespoke vs. Made-to-Measure: A Sartorial Dilemma

This evolution in sartorial norms has sparked a burgeoning interest in custom tailoring. Individuals now seek bespoke or custom suits, not out of obligation, but as a deliberate pursuit of elegance and individuality. The distinction between bespoke and MTM suits is subtle yet significant.

The Art of Choosing a Custom Suit: A Guide for the Discerning Gentleman

The allure of custom suits lies in the plethora of choices available to the discerning gentleman. Entering a custom tailor for the first time can be an overwhelming experience, with decisions ranging from the style of lapels, the type of buttons, to the cut and fabric of the trousers. A customer, during his initial visit to a bespoke tailor, will find himself inundated with questions about every minute detail of the suit—from the design of pockets to the exact dimensions of lapels.

Exploring the Single-Breasted Suit Jacket: A Style Journey

In this post, we will delve into the nuances of suit jackets, particularly the single-breasted variety. We will start with the fundamental aspects of this classic style, gradually ascending the ladder towards more sophisticated and bold features. This journey is not just about the attire; it's about refining one's personal style, achieving a discreet yet distinct elegance, step by step.

Notch Lapels: Blending Tradition with Creativity

Notch lapels, while standard, offer a canvas for subtle creativity. You can experiment with the angle of the notch, playing with more open or closed designs. In Paris, for instance, there's a fascination with the 'fish mouth' notch, a signature style of some renowned tailoring houses. Such details, though minor, significantly influence the jacket's overall aesthetic.

The Unspoken Rules of Buttoning a Suit Jacket

An essential rule with two-button jackets is to fasten only the top button, leaving the bottom undone. This convention, rooted in both aesthetics and historical anecdotes, notably involving rotund British monarchs, ensures a more flattering silhouette.

Peak Lapels: Adding Flair to the Single-Breasted Suit

The next step in our sartorial ascent introduces a variation in lapels: the peak lapel. This detail, more commonly seen on double-breasted suits, can dramatically alter a single-breasted suit's appearance, lending it a dandier, more noticeable flair. It's a step above the notch lapel in terms of style statement.

The Importance of Color and Fabric in Suit Selection

Colour and fabric also play pivotal roles. For instance, a suit in a subtle grey differs markedly from one in a more vibrant 'old rose' or 'dusty pink.' Such choices reflect personal style and the occasion for which the suit is intended.

The Single-Button Jacket: A Modern Twist in Tailoring

Another variation in single-breasted jackets is the number of buttons. While a two-button design is classic, a one-button jacket offers a distinctively modern and sleek look. This subtle change can significantly impact the suit's overall feel and silhouette, illustrating how minor details can lead to substantial stylistic differences.

In the context of a single-button single-breasted jacket, which is part of a three-piece suit, the absence of the second button is not merely a trivial detail. It's a subtle nod to those with a discerning eye for style. Most people may not notice the difference, but for the wearer, it's a distinct stylistic choice that adds a touch of refinement. The precise positioning of this lone button is crucial, as even a slight variance can dramatically alter the jacket's appearance and the wearer's silhouette. This subtle change can impart a more charismatic and powerful look.

The Three-Roll-Two Jacket: An Italian Tailoring Marvel

Advancing further up the ladder, we encounter the single-button single-breasted jacket with peak lapels. This variant, again part of a three-piece suit, offers a unique blend of traditional tailoring with a modern twist. The peak lapels add a dandy-esque flair to the ensemble, making it stand out subtly yet significantly.

The transition from a notched to a peaked lapel, or from two buttons to one, might seem insignificant at first glance. However, these small details contribute substantially to the overall style and character of the suit. They reflect not just a fashion statement but a personal journey of style, comfort, and self-expression.

At first glance, this jacket appears to be a standard two-button design. However, its unique feature lies in a third button, ingeniously concealed within the fabric's roll, accompanied by a hidden buttonhole on the opposite side. You might wonder about the practicality of such a detail, given that the hidden button is never actually used. Yet, it is this very superfluity that captures the essence of the three-roll-two style.

The hidden button influences the jacket's roll, causing it to end higher than in a typical two-button jacket. This subtle alteration gives the jacket a more relaxed, debonair appearance, embodying the laid-back elegance of the Neapolitan tailoring tradition. The jacket maintains a structured look while exuding a sense of effortless sophistication. When worn, only the middle button is fastened, enhancing its nonchalant charm.

The Sentimental Value of Tailoring: Beyond Practicality

Jewelry, whether a simple keepsake or a cherished heirloom, similarly reflects this sentiment. It's not about the monetary value but the emotional connection and the stories these pieces carry. This philosophy extends to the practice of repurposing or altering garments with personal history, like a great-grandfather's jacket, imbuing them with new life and meaning.

Embracing a New Era with Timeless Elegance in Tailoring

As we navigate through uncertain times, marked by global challenges such as the sanitary crisis, this appreciation for beauty and aesthetics in our attire becomes even more poignant. It's a reaffirmation of our values and a statement of resilience. We embrace the future, uncertain as it may be, with impeccably tailored jackets, pristine shirts, elegant shoes, and suits that are not just garments but symbols of our enduring spirit and commitment to beauty.

Discovering the Pinnacle of Tailoring with Westwood Hart

In the realm of bespoke tailoring, where craftsmanship meets artistry, Westwood Hart stands as a beacon of excellence. At Westwood Hart, the pursuit of sartorial perfection is not just a business; it's a passion driven by a rich heritage in crafting exquisite men's attire.

Specialising in authentic bespoke tailoring, each garment from Westwood Hart is a testament to meticulous craftsmanship. From the intricate stitching of the lapels to the precise cut that defines a silhouette, their master tailors dedicate themselves to creating suits that are not just clothes, but a part of your personal legacy.

Whether you're stepping into the world of bespoke tailoring for the first time or are a seasoned connoisseur, Westwood Hart offers an experience that transcends the ordinary. Embracing both time-honoured techniques and contemporary styles, they ensure that every suit is as unique as the individual wearing it.

In a landscape where style is constantly evolving, Westwood Hart remains committed to the ethos of classic elegance, blending it seamlessly with modern sensibilities. Their suits are more than just a statement of personal style; they are a celebration of individuality and the art of tailoring.

Experience the unparalleled quality and personalised service at Westwood Hart, where every stitch tells a story and every suit is a masterpiece in its own right.

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