Lapel Width Guide For Custom Suits

The lapel is one of the most noticeable aspects of a suit. It works to frame your shape and draw the attention of a viewer’s eye to preferred features and attributes.
In trying to keep this simple, let’s divide our lapel widths into three categories: skinny, regular, and wide.
Slim (skinny) lapels have rapidly risen in popularity in recent years: they are very on trend. Slim lapels flatter the slimmer body type by adding to the already slim nature of the wearer’s appearance. If your frame is more on the broad side, avoid the slim lapel, as the proportions will be off and your body will overwhelm the lapel, making it look like it doesn’t fit properly.
Regular lapels are timeless and classic. This is the lapel width that will never appear out of style. The biggest benefit to wearing regular lapels is never looking out of style. Second to that, not having to fork out more money to update your suit wardrobe to keep up with the current trends is an added bonus. Remember, regular sized lapels have been around since the dawn of suiting and will continue forever.
Wider lapels typically work best on men with broad frames, but that’s not to say skinny guys should avoid them entirely. If you go slightly wider than average with your lapel as a skinnier guy, you can broaden your frame.