Key Takeaways

  1. Lapel size significantly impacts balance and visual appeal in suits.
  2. Classic lapel width is generally about three and a half inches, suitable for most body types.
  3. Wide lapels can enhance a broader chest and shoulder, while skinny lapels are less recommended.
  4. Proportion and balance are crucial, with considerations for lapel width, gorge height, and lapel length.
  5. A well-fitting lapel should lie flat on the chest without buckling or gaping.

Ultimate Guide to Suit Lapel Widths: Classic, Wide, Skinny, and More

Lapel width for body type comparison guide

Wide vs Skinny Lapels: Choosing the Right Lapel Width for Your Body Type

The lapel is one of the most defining style elements of a suit jacket. Getting the width just right based on your body type and desired look is crucial for achieving an impeccably tailored and balanced appearance. The lapel width can make or break the overall aesthetic, influencing everything from visual proportions to perceived height and presence.

As menswear experts, we cannot overstate the importance of selecting an appropriate lapel size. It is an essential factor in creating a suit that flatters your individual physique while also aligning with current style sensibilities. Too wide, and the lapels can appear overwhelming and dated. Too narrow, and you risk looking disproportionate or following outdated trends.

Striking the perfect balance requires careful consideration of your specific build and stylistic preferences. This introductory guide will explore the merits of both wide and skinny lapels, providing insights to help you determine the ideal lapel breadth for your next custom suit or sport coat. Whether you prefer a classic aesthetic or a more contemporary, bold approach, understanding lapel proportions is key to achieving sartorial excellence.

The Ideal Suit Lapel Width: Finding the Perfect Proportions

As with many aspects of suit tailoring, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to lapel width. The "ideal" measurement is highly dependent on your individual proportions and the overall look you wish to cultivate.

Classically, the recommended lapel width falls around 3.25 inches (approximately 8.25 cm) for most individuals. This measurement is taken from the outer edge of the lapel inward toward the jacket's chest. For generations, this 3.25 inch breadth has been considered a versatile starting point that works well for the average male physique.

However, as menswear experts, we always advocate for a more personalized approach. Factors like your height, shoulder width, chest size, and desired silhouette should dictate the optimal lapel dimensions. A bulkier or broad-chested build may call for a slightly wider lapel to maintain balanced proportions and avoid an overly constricted appearance.

Conversely, a slim or petite frame likely requires a narrower lapel width to prevent the jacket from overwhelming the torso. The goal is to create visual harmony, with the lapels framing and complementing your natural build.

One rule of thumb is to aim for the lapel's edge to horizontally bisect the distance between the jacket's gorge (the indentation where the collar meets the lapel) and the shoulder seam. This ratio produces a smooth, cohesive line while preventing the lapels from appearing overly narrow or wide for your frame.

Wide lapel suit modern office professional look

Wide Lapel Suits: When to Go Bold with Broader Lapels

While the 3.25 inch standard lapel width remains a reliable option for most, there are situations where opting for a wider lapel can elevate your suit's aesthetic impact. Broader lapels have the ability to command attention and convey a strong, confident presence.

We recommend exploring wider lapel suits if you possess a larger than average build. Men with broad shoulders, a muscular or heavier upper body often benefit from lapels exceeding 4 inches in width. The increased scale helps achieve balanced visual proportions.

Wider lapels can also be an effective style choice for taller gentlemen. The elongated lapel line creates a flattering vertical accent, enhancing a sense of stature. For men over 6 feet tall, a 4-4.5 inch lapel width is worth considering.

It's important to note that ultra-wide lapels over 5 inches should be approached with caution, as they can appear dated or costume-like if not properly balanced. This bolder, more sartorially adventurous direction is best executed through custom tailoring and an experienced eye.

Certain suit styles also lend themselves better to broadened lapels. Double-breasted jackets, in particular, are designed with wider proportions that are better complemented by generous lapel dimensions in the 5-6 inch range.

When expertly tailored and paired with your unique physical traits, a wide lapel suit can convey sophistication, power, and refined style sense. But balance is key - the overall look should embody elegance, not exaggeration.

How to Measure Lapel Width for a Tailored Fit

Understanding how to properly measure lapel width is crucial for achieving that ideal tailored fit. While general guidelines provide a starting point, the most accurate method is taking your own measurements.

We recommend following these steps to determine your ideal lapel dimensions:

  1. Put on the suit jacket and allow it to settle naturally on your frame.
  2. Locate the jacket's gorge - this is the indentation where the collar meets the lapel line.
  3. Next, find the shoulder/sleeve head seamline where the shoulder joins the sleeve.
  4. Using a flexible sewing tape or ruler, measure the distance between the gorge and shoulder seam.
  5. Your target lapel width should bisect this measurement. For example, if the gorge-to-shoulder distance is 10 inches, aim for a 5-inch lapel width.

This bisecting approach creates visual balance by allowing the lapel edge to hit approximately halfway between the gorge and shoulder seamline.

It's also helpful to measure the existing lapel width on suits that already fit you well. This can provide a solid benchmark for your preferred proportions.

When being measured for a custom suit, be sure to communicate your ideal lapel width to your tailor. Small adjustments of 1/4 to 1/2 inch can make a big difference in achieving that perfect, balanced silhouette.

Remember, taking accurate measurements and understanding ideal proportions for your build are key to enjoying an impeccably tailored suit with correctly scaled lapels.

How wide should jacket lapels be adjustment guide

Lapel Varieties: Style and Proportion Guidelines

While lapel width is crucial, it's just one factor to consider when evaluating lapel styles. We recommend also taking into account lapel length, gorge height, and overall jacket style when determining the ideal proportions.

Lapel Length: The length of the lapel from the jacket's gorge down to the waist button can significantly impact presence and perceived height. Longer lapels produce an elongated, elegant line that gives the illusion of stature - ideal for shorter gentlemen. Conversely, taller builds may prefer a shorter lapel length to avoid overwhelming the frame.

Gorge Height: The gorge height refers to the level of the indentation where the lapel meets the collar. A higher gorge visually raises the lapels closer to the face, creating an elevated, authoritative appearance that can benefit those of shorter stature. For taller individuals, a lower gorge placement tends to be more balanced.

Jacket Style: Certain styles like double-breasted jackets are designed with wider, peaked lapels as a signature element. When selecting this style, wider lapel dimensions - often 5-6 inches - are required for cohesive proportions. Meanwhile, single-breasted jackets have more flexibility, allowing for both slim and bold lapel interpretations depending on your aesthetic preferences.

By considering these different design elements in tandem, you can achieve a lapel style with flattering, harmonious proportions tailored specifically to your physique and personal tastes.

Should We Go for Wide or Narrow Lapels on Our Bespoke Suit?

This is one of the most common questions we receive as menswear experts when gentlemen are commissioning a bespoke suit. The choice between wide or narrow lapels requires careful evaluation of your specific goals and build.

If you have a large head or fuller face, wider lapels can actually be quite flattering. The increased scale helps create balanced proportions and prevents your features from appearing oversized compared to narrower lapels. As a general guideline, lapels around 4 inches or more in width tend to complement broader facial structures.

For those with a slimmer or shorter stature, you may want to consider more narrow lapel proportions, around 3-3.5 inches. Skinnier lapels produce a sleek, refined appearance that doesn't visually overwhelm a smaller frame or compact build. They also elongate the look, which can benefit vertically-challenged gentlemen.

It's also important to factor in body type beyond just height and build. A slim but taller man may still desire wider lapels to maintain a strong, structured presence. Conversely, a shorter, stocky build may pull off broader lapel dimensions with more ease compared to a very slim counterpart.

Ultimately, there is no definitive rule - the choice comes down to your specific goals, proportions and stylistic leanings. Our recommendation is to work closely with your bespoke tailor to experiment with different lapel widths and identify the most impactful, customized solution for your physique and persona.

Are wide lapels out of style fashion comparison

Dressing for Your Shape: Lapel Width Tips for Slim or Broad Builds

When it comes to achieving a stylish, balanced look with your suit lapels, dressing for your specific body shape is crucial. We always recommend taking your build into account when selecting the ideal lapel width.

For Slimmer Builds: If you have a slim, narrower frame, you'll generally want to avoid overly wide lapel proportions which can overwhelm your physique. Instead, opt for lapels in the 3-3.5 inch range. This narrower width creates a sleek, refined silhouette that complements a leaner build.

Taller, slender gentlemen can get away with slightly wider lapels around 3.75-4 inches to maintain a strong structured presence without appearing overpowered. Just ensure the width still feels balanced with your shoulders and chest.

For Broader Builds: Those with a broader chest, muscular frame or overall larger build should strongly consider wider lapel widths starting from 4 inches and up. Broader lapels help achieve balanced visual proportions and prevent your jacket from appearing constricted or ill-fitting across the chest and shoulders.

If you're an athletic or husky build, a 4.25-4.5 inch lapel allows enough scale to flatter your larger upper body. For extremely broad or bulky frames, you may even want to explore lapels in the 5-inch range when going for a very bold, statement look.

No matter your shape, the key is choosing lapels that harmonize with and flatter your natural proportions. Avoid lapels that appear disproportionately small or large compared to the rest of your frame. With the right customized fit, your suit will create an elongated, cohesive silhouette that puts your best look forward.

How to choose suit lapel width measurement guide

The Perfectly Proportioned Suit Lapel

Achieving the ideal lapel width and style is essential for a perfectly tailored suit that flatters your physique. As we've explored, lapel proportions significantly impact the overall aesthetic, balance and perceived body shape.

From the classic 3.25 inch width that remains a versatile starting point, to boldly scaled lapels over 5 inches designed to command attention, there is an optimal lapel measurement for every gentleman's unique build and style goals.

Beyond just the width measurement, factors like lapel length, gorge height and jacket silhouette also play a role. Taller men may prefer longer lapels with a lower gorge for an elongated look, while a higher gorge offers presence for shorter frames. And signature styles like double-breasted jackets necessitate their own lapel proportions.

As menswear experts, our top recommendation is investing in custom or bespoke suiting. A skilled tailor can masterfully balance all the elements - lapel width, gorge, length, shoulder line - to craft a cohesive, elegant silhouette tailored precisely to your body. Mass-produced suits simply cannot achieve this level of customized finesse.

With the right lapel proportions, your suit will make a powerful stylish statement while appearing crisp, refined and perfectly scaled to your distinctive physique. It's an investment in elevating your sartorial confidence for years to come. So embrace the transformative power of the well-appointed lapel - you'll turn heads in all the right ways.

Elevate your style with a custom-tailored suit from Westwood Hart. Our expert tailors ensure that every detail, from lapel width to overall fit, is meticulously crafted to complement your unique physique. With our online configurator, you can design your suit to your exact specifications, choosing from a wide range of fabrics, styles, and customizations.

Experience the difference of bespoke tailoring with Westwood Hart. Start designing your perfect suit today and enjoy quick delivery with free shipping. Remember, we offer a perfect fit guarantee—if it’s not right, you get a full refund.

Design your custom suit and redefine your wardrobe with precision tailoring and unparalleled quality.

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