Key Takeaways

  • Outdated clothing styles can make you look older; opt for classic, tailored-fit pieces.
  • Choosing the right denim, such as dark wash and tailored fits, enhances your look.
  • Avoid flashy button-up shirts with loud patterns; subtle patterns and solid colours are more stylish.
  • Proper skincare can significantly reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
  • Updating your shoe collection with modern styles and choosing appropriate shoes for different occasions is crucial.
  • Grooming habits, including managing gray hair and trimming facial hair, play a vital role in maintaining a youthful appearance.
  • A positive attitude and openness to new ideas and technology can make you seem more vibrant and youthful


Fashion mistakes can sneak up on anyone, even those of us who consider ourselves fashion-conscious. To ensure you maintain a youthful, stylish appearance without crossing the line into trying too hard, it's essential to avoid common pitfalls. This article will delve into how to avoid fashion mistakes, what to wear to look older as a male, and when men start looking old. We’ll also discuss whether polos and long hair make men look older, providing you with a comprehensive guide to staying stylish and youthful.

Outdated Clothing Styles

Outdated clothing styles can age you instantly. One of the most glaring examples is jeans with butt bling and rhinestones on the back pockets. This style was trendy about 15 years ago but is far from relevant today. Instead, opt for classic, tailored-fit dark wash denim. These should neither be overly baggy nor overly tight. For those with a trim physique, a slim fit works well, whereas bigger guys should consider a straight fit or an athletic taper fit. This provides more room through the hips and thighs while still tapering nicely to the feet, giving a modern silhouette.

Man in his 40s wearing classic tailored-fit dark wash denim in an urban setting with modern architecture

Choosing the Right Denim

Choosing the right denim is crucial to maintaining a modern and stylish look. Dark wash denim in a classic, tailored fit is always a safe bet. Avoid overly baggy or overly tight jeans. If you're a trim guy, a slim fit can complement your physique well. For those with a larger build, consider a straight fit or an athletic taper fit. These cuts offer more room through the hips and thighs while still tapering nicely down to the feet, providing a modern silhouette that flatters any body type.

Additionally, dark wash denim is versatile and can be dressed up or down, making it a staple in any wardrobe. It pairs well with various tops, from casual t-shirts to dressier button-ups, ensuring you look sharp and up-to-date.

Man in late 50s wearing flashy button-up shirt with contrasting cuffs at a social event

Flashy Button-Up Shirts

Flashy button-up shirts, especially those with contrasting cuffs and loud patterns, can instantly age you and give off a try-hard vibe. These are often seen as party shirts and can make you look older than you are. Instead of opting for overly flashy shirts, consider shirts with subtle patterns like small dots or checks. Solid colours, especially in darker tones, are another great option as they exude sophistication and make you look slimmer.

Think about classic style icons like James Bond, who often dons solid, well-fitted shirts that highlight his polished and timeless look. By choosing more understated patterns and solid colours, you can achieve a stylish appearance that is both modern and age-appropriate.

Close-up of man in his 50s applying moisturizer to his face in a bright bathroom

Importance of Skincare

Taking proper care of your skin is essential to maintaining a youthful appearance. Skincare often doesn't get the credit it deserves, but it can significantly impact how old you look. Regularly using skincare products can help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a smoother, more youthful look.

For example, incorporating a daily face wash, exfoliating scrub, and moisturizers into your routine can make a noticeable difference. Products like anti-aging serums and eye solutions can further help minimize wrinkles and keep your skin looking fresh. It's never too late to start a skincare regimen, and the benefits can be seen at any age.

By prioritizing skincare, you not only improve your appearance but also boost your confidence. A well-maintained complexion suggests vitality and attention to detail, attributes that can enhance your overall style and presentation.

Shoe Styles and Choices

Choosing the right shoes is fundamental to avoiding an outdated look. Many men hold onto shoes for far too long, leading to styles that are no longer fashionable. One of the most common offenders is the square-toed shoe, which was popular years ago but now makes you look out of touch. Updating your shoe collection with more contemporary styles can significantly refresh your appearance.

When selecting shoes, consider both style and function. For instance, while comfort is essential, it shouldn't come at the expense of style. If you need arch support, look for modern shoes that offer both comfort and a sleek appearance or consider orthotic inserts. Avoid wearing overly formal shoes, like shiny black dress shoes, with casual outfits such as jeans. Instead, opt for less formal brown shoes which complement denim better and offer a more cohesive look.

Remember, shoes can make or break an outfit. Ensuring they are stylish and appropriate for the occasion can help maintain a youthful, fashionable appearance.

Grooming Tips for Gray Hair

Gray hair can be a distinguished feature if managed properly. Embracing your gray hair is key, but it's important to maintain it well to avoid looking older than you are. One effective way to enhance the appearance of gray hair is by using purple shampoo. Washing your hair with purple shampoo two to three times a week helps cancel out the yellow, brassy tones that can make gray hair look dull. After a few uses, your gray hair will appear more vibrant and silver.

Grooming goes beyond just hair colour. Paying attention to details like nose hairs, ear hairs, and eyebrows is crucial. Regularly trimming these areas can significantly improve your overall appearance. If your eyebrows are long enough to be combed into your eyes, it's time to trim them. You can do this at home with a grooming tool or ask your barber to take care of it during your next haircut.

Maintaining proper grooming habits ensures that you look well-kept and stylish, regardless of your age. It’s the small details that can make a big difference in how youthful and vibrant you appear.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is essential to maintaining a youthful appearance and demeanor. An old man attitude—resisting change, new ideas, and technology—can age you more than any physical trait. Embracing change and keeping an open mind can significantly impact how others perceive you.

While it's understandable to hold on to familiar routines, such as using a traditional day planner, it's also important to stay open to new experiences and advancements. Engaging with new technology and ideas can keep your mind sharp and your outlook fresh. Avoiding phrases like "back in my day" and being willing to learn and adapt can help you connect better with younger generations and maintain a more vibrant presence.

Staying curious and adaptable not only keeps you mentally agile but also enhances your overall style. People who are open to change tend to be more dynamic and interesting, traits that are associated with youthfulness.


Maintaining a youthful appearance involves more than just following the latest fashion trends; it requires attention to detail in various aspects of your personal style and grooming habits. From updating your wardrobe to choosing the right denim, avoiding flashy shirts, and taking proper care of your skin, each element plays a crucial role. The right shoes and consistent grooming, particularly for gray hair, also contribute significantly to how young you look. Equally important is maintaining a positive attitude, embracing new ideas, and staying open to change, which can have a profound impact on your overall presence.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you not only look good but also feel confident and youthful. Small adjustments can make a significant difference, helping you to project a vibrant and stylish image at any age.

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