Mastering Lapel Proportions - A Guide to Perfect Suit Styling with Westwood Hart

Why Lapel Size Matters: Striking the Balance for Visual Appeal

Ever wondered why your suit doesn't quite hit the mark, even though it's tailored to your measurements? The answer could be as simple as the size of your lapel. Yes, you heard it right! The lapel, that folded flap on the front of your suit, plays a pivotal role in creating a balanced and visually appealing look.

Now, you might be thinking, "It's just a small part of the suit, how much difference can it make?" Well, let me tell you, it's all about proportions. Just as a well-placed tie can enhance your suit, a well-proportioned lapel can elevate your entire look.

We humans come in all shapes and sizes, don't we? Some of us are tall, some short, some have broad shoulders, while others have a narrow frame. And that's where the magic of bespoke tailoring comes into play. It allows us to manipulate the elements of our clothing, including the lapel, to suit our unique stature.

So, why does lapel size matter, you ask? Imagine wearing a suit with a lapel that's too wide for your narrow shoulders. It would throw off the balance, wouldn't it? On the other hand, a lapel that's too narrow on a broad-chested person could make the chest appear even wider. Neither scenario is ideal, is it?

That's why the size of the lapel is crucial. It ensures balance and visual appeal, making you look your absolute best. So, the next time you're getting a suit tailored, remember to give your lapel the attention it deserves. After all, it's not just about wearing a suit, it's about wearing it well.

The Classic Lapel Width: A Timeless Standard

Ah, the classic lapel width. It's like the little black dress of the tailoring world - timeless, versatile, and always in style. But what exactly is the classic lapel width, and why does it matter? Let's dive in, shall we?

Picture this: you're standing in front of a mirror, trying on a suit. You notice the lapel - it's about three and a half inches wide, or about nine centimeters if you're more comfortable with metric measurements. That, my friend, is the classic lapel width. It's the Goldilocks of lapel widths - not too wide, not too narrow, but just right for most people.

But here's the thing - we're not all 'most people', are we? We're individuals, each with our unique features and quirks. That's where the beauty of custom tailoring comes in. It allows us to adjust the proportions of our suit, including the lapel width, to suit our unique features.

For instance, let's say you're a broad-chested fellow, like me. The three and a half inch rule may not necessarily work for you because you have broad shoulders. So, when designing your suit, you'd want to ensure the lapel width suits your particular frame.

Here's a rule of thumb to keep in mind: your lapel should travel about halfway between the edge of your lapel and your shoulder seam. It's a bit like walking a tightrope - you don't want your lapel so wide that they're touching your shoulders, but you also don't want them so narrow that they seem lost on your chest.

So, there you have it - the classic lapel width, a timeless standard that's all about balance and proportion. Remember, it's not just about following the rules, but about knowing when to bend them to suit your style. After all, fashion should be a reflection of who you are, not a one-size-fits-all mould.

Custom Tailoring: The Key to Perfect Proportions

Ever tried on a suit and felt like something was just... off? Maybe the shoulders were too broad, or the waist was too tight. Perhaps the lapels didn't sit quite right. If you've ever experienced this, then you, my friend, have encountered the limitations of off-the-rack suits. But don't worry, there's a solution: custom tailoring.

Custom tailoring is like having a magic wand that can transform your suit into a perfect fit. It's not just about taking measurements and cutting fabric. It's an art form that requires skill, precision, and an understanding of the human form. And when it comes to lapels, custom tailoring can make all the difference.

Remember our chat about the classic lapel width? Well, in the world of custom tailoring, that's just a starting point. A skilled tailor can adjust the lapel width to suit your unique features. Broad shoulders? No problem. A narrow chest? Easy peasy. With custom tailoring, your suit is designed to enhance your best features and downplay any areas you're self-conscious about.

But it's not just about aesthetics. A well-tailored suit is also more comfortable. It allows for better movement and doesn't restrict you in any way. So, whether you're delivering a presentation at work or dancing at a wedding, you can do so with ease.

In essence, custom tailoring is the key to perfect proportions. It's about creating a suit that's not just made for a body, but made for your body. So, the next time you're in the market for a suit, consider going the custom route. It might just be the best fashion decision you ever make.

Gorge Height and Lapel Length: The Subtle Details that Make a Big Difference

When it comes to suits, it's often the subtle details that make the biggest difference. Take gorge height and lapel length, for example. These might seem like minor aspects, but they can significantly impact how your suit looks and feels. Let's delve into these a bit more, shall we?

First off, the gorge. No, we're not talking about a deep valley between mountains. In the world of tailoring, the gorge is where the collar of the coat meets the lapel. It's that little indent that adds a touch of elegance to your suit. But here's the thing - the height of the gorge can change the entire look of your suit.

A high gorge, for instance, can make you appear taller. It draws the eye upwards and gives an illusion of height. So, if you're on the shorter side, a high gorge could be your secret weapon. On the other hand, if you're already tall, you might want to opt for a lower gorge to keep your proportions in check.

Now, let's talk about lapel length. This is the distance from the top of the lapel to the bottom, typically ending at the waist button. Much like the gorge height, the lapel length can be used to manipulate visual proportions. A longer lapel can create a sweeping line that gives an illusion of height, while a shorter lapel can help balance out a long torso.

So, there you have it - gorge height and lapel length, two subtle details that can make a big difference to your suit. Remember, it's not just about choosing a suit that looks good on the hanger. It's about finding a suit that looks good on you. And often, that comes down to the details. After all, as they say, the devil is in the details.

The Perfect Lapel Fit: A Crucial Element of Style

You've chosen the perfect fabric, decided on the lapel width, and even figured out the gorge height. But there's one more thing to consider - how should your lapel fit? Well, let's unravel this mystery, shall we?

When it comes to the fit of your lapel, there's one golden rule - it should lie flat on your chest. Sounds simple, right? But you'd be surprised how often this rule is overlooked. A lapel that doesn't lie flat can throw off the entire look of your suit. It can make it appear ill-fitted and uncomfortable, even if the rest of the suit fits perfectly.

So, how can you tell if your lapel is fitting correctly? Here's a quick test. Button up your coat and take a look in the mirror. Does the lapel lie flat against your chest, or does it buckle or gape? If it's the latter, it's a sign that the chest of the coat is too small. You might need to go a size up or ask your tailor to add more room in the chest.

But it's not just about how the lapel fits when you're standing still. A well-fitted lapel should also stay in place when you move. So, go ahead and move around a bit. Does the lapel stay flat, or does it buckle out of place? If it's the latter, it might be time to revisit your tailor.

In essence, the fit of your lapel is a crucial aspect of how your suit looks and feels. It's a small detail, but one that can make a big difference. So, the next time you're trying on a suit, don't forget to check the fit of the lapel. After all, in the world of tailoring, it's the little things that count.

Single-Breasted vs. Double-Breasted: A Study in Lapel Width

In the world of suits, there are two main players: the single-breasted and the double-breasted. Each has its own charm, its own style, and yes, its own rules when it comes to lapels. So, let's dive in and explore these two styles, shall we?

First up, the single-breasted suit. This is the more common style, the one you're likely to see in most office settings. It's characterized by a single row of buttons and a narrow overlap of fabric. When it comes to lapels, the single-breasted suit is a bit more conservative. The lapel typically travels about halfway between the edge of the lapel and your shoulder seam, creating a balanced and classic look.

Now, let's turn our attention to the double-breasted suit. This style is a bit more flamboyant, a bit more daring. It features two rows of buttons and a wider overlap of fabric. And the lapels? They're typically wider than those on a single-breasted suit. This creates a more imposing look, perfect for those who want to make a statement.

But here's the thing - whether you choose a single-breasted or a double-breasted suit, the principles of fit and proportion still apply. Your lapel should still lie flat against your chest, and the width should still be in proportion to your frame.

So, there you have it - a tale of two styles, each with its own rules and aesthetics. Whether you prefer the understated elegance of a single-breasted suit or the bold statement of a double-breasted one, remember that the key to a great suit is all in the details. And when it comes to lapels, it's all about finding the right balance and proportion for your unique style.

The Art of Personal Style: Breaking the Rules of Lapel Width

Well, we've certainly covered a lot of ground, haven't we? From the importance of lapel size to the subtleties of gorge height and lapel length, we've delved into the nitty-gritty of what makes a suit truly stand out. But before we wrap up, let's take a moment to recap what we've learned, shall we?

First and foremost, we've learned that lapel size matters. It's not just about aesthetics, but about balance and visual appeal. A well-proportioned lapel can enhance your features and give your suit a polished, tailored look.

We've also explored the classic lapel width, a timeless standard that serves as a starting point for custom tailoring. Remember, the classic width is about three and a half inches, but this can be adjusted to suit your unique features.

Then, we delved into the world of custom tailoring, a realm where the rules can be bent to create a suit that's truly yours. Whether it's adjusting the lapel width or altering the gorge height, custom tailoring allows you to create a suit that fits you like a glove.

We've also compared single-breasted and double-breasted suits, each with its own rules when it comes to lapels. Whether you prefer the classic elegance of a single-breasted suit or the bold statement of a double-breasted one, remember that the key to a great suit lies in the details.

And finally, we've talked about the fit of the lapel, a crucial aspect that can make or break your suit. Remember, a well-fitted lapel should lie flat against your chest, creating a seamless look.

So, there you have it - a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of lapel proportions. Whether you're a seasoned suit wearer or a novice just starting out, remember that the key to a great suit lies in the details. And when it comes to lapels, it's all about finding the right balance and proportion for your unique style. After all, in the world of tailoring, it's the little things that count.

Conclusion: The Power of Proportions in Defining Your Style

As we draw the curtains on our deep dive into the world of lapels, one thing stands out - the power of proportions in defining your style. It's a subtle art, a delicate balance, but when done right, it can transform your suit from just another piece of clothing into a statement of your personal style.

From the width of the lapel to the height of the gorge, each element plays a crucial role in shaping the overall look of your suit. But more than that, it's about how these elements work together, how they harmonise to create a look that's uniquely you.

Remember, a well-fitted suit is more than just a fashion statement. It's a testament to your attention to detail, your understanding of proportions, and your appreciation for the art of tailoring. It's about knowing the rules, and then bending them to suit your style.

So, whether you're donning a single-breasted suit for a business meeting or a double-breasted one for a gala dinner, remember the power of proportions. Remember that the devil is in the details, and that the right lapel can make all the difference.

At Westwood Hart, we're passionate about helping you discover your style. We believe that every individual is unique, and that your suit should reflect that. So, here's to the power of proportions, to the art of tailoring, and to defining your style, one lapel at a time.

Thank you for joining us on this sartorial journey. We hope you've found it enlightening, and that you'll carry these lessons with you as you navigate the world of style. Remember, style is not just about what you wear, but how you wear it. And at Westwood Hart, we're all about helping you wear it well.


What is the importance of lapel size in a suit?

The lapel size in a suit is of paramount importance as it plays a significant role in defining the overall aesthetics of the suit. It's not just about the physical dimensions, but also about how it complements your body shape and size. A well-proportioned lapel can enhance your features and give your suit a polished, tailored look. It's about striking a balance - a lapel that's too wide or too narrow can throw off the entire look of the suit. So, when it comes to lapels, size truly does matter!

How does the lapel size contribute to the overall visual appeal of a suit?

The lapel size contributes significantly to the overall visual appeal of a suit by creating a sense of balance and proportion. It's like the frame of a painting - it outlines the suit and draws attention to the central elements, like the shirt and tie underneath. A well-chosen lapel size can enhance your natural features, create a slimming effect, or add a touch of flair to a classic suit. It's a subtle detail that can make a big impact on the overall look and feel of your suit. So, when you're choosing a suit, don't overlook the lapel - it's a small detail that can make a big difference!

What is the classic lapel width and why is it important?

The classic lapel width is about three and a half inches. This measurement is considered a timeless standard in the world of tailoring, providing a balanced look that suits most body types. But why is it important, you ask? Well, adhering to this classic width ensures that your suit maintains a proportionate and visually appealing look. It's like the Goldilocks of lapel widths - not too wide, not too narrow, but just right for the average person. However, remember that "classic" doesn't mean "one-size-fits-all". The beauty of bespoke tailoring is that you can adjust this width to best suit your unique features.

How can I adjust the lapel width to suit my body type?

Adjusting the lapel width to suit your body type is all about understanding proportions. If you're a broad-shouldered individual, a slightly wider lapel can balance out your frame. On the other hand, if you're more on the slender side, a narrower lapel might be more flattering. The key is to ensure that the lapel width is in harmony with your overall body proportions. A good rule of thumb is that the edge of your lapel should reach about halfway to your shoulder. However, the best advice we can give is to work with a skilled tailor. They can guide you in finding the perfect lapel width that complements your body type and enhances your overall look. After all, a suit is an investment, and getting these details right can make all the difference!

What is the role of gorge height in a suit's design?

The gorge height, or the point where the collar of the coat meets the lapel, plays a pivotal role in the suit's design by influencing the visual balance and overall silhouette of the suit. It's a bit like the conductor of an orchestra, subtly guiding the eye along the lines of the suit. A higher gorge height can create an illusion of height and a more contemporary look, while a lower gorge height tends to give a more classic and understated appeal. It's all about creating a harmony between the gorge height and your body proportions, as well as the style message you want to convey.

How does lapel length affect the overall look of a suit?

The lapel length, which is the distance from the top of the lapel to the waist button, can significantly affect the overall look of a suit. It's like the leading lines in a photograph, guiding the viewer's eye and influencing their perception of the subject. A longer lapel can create a sweeping line that gives an illusion of height and a more streamlined silhouette. Conversely, a shorter lapel can help balance out a taller frame. It's all about creating a sense of proportion and balance that complements your unique body shape and height. So, the next time you're trying on a suit, pay attention to the lapel length - it's a small detail that can have a big impact on your overall look!

How should a lapel fit when the coat is buttoned?

When your coat is buttoned, the lapel should fit smoothly and lie flat against your chest. It's like a well-choreographed dance - the lapel should move with you, not against you. If it buckles or gapes, it's a sign that the chest of the coat might be too small. The lapel should roll elegantly into your waist button, without any ruffling or abnormalities. It's a small detail, but it can significantly impact the overall look and comfort of your suit. So, when trying on a suit, take a moment to button up and check the lapel fit. It's a simple step that can help ensure you're investing in a suit that not only looks good but feels good too.

What is the difference between a single-breasted and double-breasted suit in terms of lapel design?

The main difference between a single-breasted and double-breasted suit in terms of lapel design lies in the width and the overall visual impact. A single-breasted suit typically has a narrower lapel, creating a streamlined and classic look. On the other hand, a double-breasted suit features a wider lapel, offering a more imposing and formal appearance. It's like the difference between a classic novel and an epic saga - both have their unique appeal and are suited to different occasions and personal styles. The choice between the two ultimately comes down to your personal preference and the message you want to convey with your suit. Whether you prefer the understated elegance of a single-breasted suit or the bold statement of a double-breasted one, it's all about finding the style that resonates with you.

How does the fit of the lapel affect the overall look of the suit?

The fit of the lapel significantly affects the overall look of the suit, much like how the frame can enhance or detract from a painting. A well-fitted lapel lies flat against your chest, creating a smooth line that enhances the suit's silhouette. If the lapel buckles or gaps, it can disrupt this line and make the suit appear ill-fitted. A well-fitted lapel also allows for comfortable movement without distorting the shape of the suit. So, when you're trying on a suit, pay close attention to the fit of the lapel. It's a small detail that can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your suit.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when considering lapel size and fit?

When considering lapel size and fit, one common mistake is choosing a lapel that's too wide or too narrow for your body type. This can throw off the balance and proportion of the suit. Another mistake is ignoring the fit of the lapel when the coat is buttoned. A well-fitted lapel should lie flat against your chest, without any buckling or gaping. Lastly, many people overlook the importance of the gorge height and lapel length. These elements can significantly affect the overall look of the suit and should be chosen based on your body proportions and personal style. So, when choosing a suit, remember to consider all these elements. It's like assembling a puzzle - each piece plays a crucial role in creating the final picture.

How can I ensure that my suit's lapel is proportionate to my body size and shape?

Ensuring that your suit's lapel is proportionate to your body size and shape is a bit like finding the perfect pair of glasses for your face shape - it's all about balance and harmony. Here are a few tips:

  • Understand your body proportions: If you have a larger frame, a wider lapel can help balance out your proportions. Conversely, if you have a smaller frame, a narrower lapel may be more flattering.
  • Work with a skilled tailor: They can provide expert advice and help you find the perfect lapel size to complement your unique features. Remember, a suit is an investment, and getting these details right can make all the difference in how you look and feel in your suit.
  • Try on different styles: Experiment with different lapel sizes and styles to see what works best for you. Remember, the edge of the lapel should reach about halfway to your shoulder, but this can vary based on your personal style and body type.
  • Trust your instincts: While there are general guidelines to follow, the most important thing is that you feel confident and comfortable in your suit. If a certain lapel size feels right to you, trust your instincts.
What are some tips for maintaining the shape and fit of my suit's lapel over time?

Maintaining the shape and fit of your suit's lapel over time is like taking care of a prized plant - it requires regular attention and care. Here are some tips:

  • Store your suit properly: Hang your suit on a well-shaped hanger to maintain the shape of the lapel. Avoid cramming it into a crowded closet, as this can cause the lapel to wrinkle or lose its shape.
  • Steam, don't iron: If your lapel becomes wrinkled, use a steamer to gently remove the wrinkles. Avoid ironing, as this can flatten the roll of the lapel and alter its shape.
  • Handle with care: When putting on or taking off your suit, be gentle with the lapel. Rough handling can cause the lapel to lose its shape over time.
  • Regular dry cleaning: Regular dry cleaning can help maintain the shape and fit of your suit's lapel. However, avoid excessive dry cleaning, as this can wear down the fabric over time.

Remember, a well-maintained suit can last for years and continue to look great. So, take the time to care for your suit's lapel, and it will serve you well in return.