Key Takeaways

  • Shoulders are crucial for defining a jacket’s character and silhouette.
  • Notch lapels are versatile and suitable for most occasions.
  • The length of a jacket should cover the seat for a balanced look.
  • Double vents offer better mobility and a clean drape.
  • A well-chosen lining enhances comfort and adds personal flair.

The Anatomy of a Classic Tailored Jacket

When it comes to mastering the art of menswear, understanding the intricacies of a classic tailored jacket is essential. Each element, from the shoulders to the lining, plays a pivotal role in defining the jacket’s character and fit. In this guide, we delve into the key features of a tailored jacket, offering insights into why each detail matters. Whether you’re aiming for a sharp business look or a sophisticated evening style, these expert tips will ensure your jacket not only fits perfectly but also stands out with timeless elegance. Join us as we explore the anatomy of a classic tailored jacket and discover how to elevate your wardrobe with precision and style.


The shoulders of a tailored jacket are perhaps the most critical aspect of its construction, defining its entire character and silhouette. A well-crafted shoulder can enhance the overall aesthetic, providing a clean and structured look. In a classic jacket, moderately padded shoulders are often used to create a natural yet refined line. This padding offers support without appearing overly rigid, allowing the jacket to sit comfortably while maintaining a sharp profile.

A slight roll at the end of the shoulder adds a touch of sophistication, distinguishing it from other tailored garments that may feature more pronounced roping or no roping at all. This moderate approach ensures the shoulders look defined but not too attention-grabbing, making it versatile for various occasions. The importance of the shoulders cannot be overstated, as they set the foundation for the jacket's fit and appearance, ensuring that the rest of the garment follows suit in terms of proportion and style.


Collars on classic jackets come in several styles, each offering a different level of formality and versatility. The most common type is the notch lapel, which is suitable for almost any occasion. It provides a timeless and adaptable look, making it a staple in classic menswear. The notch lapel on this jacket is well-positioned on the chest, not too high or too low, perfectly framing the wearer's face.

Another popular style is the peak lapel. The peak lapel adds a touch of formality and is often seen on double-breasted jackets or more formal suits. It extends upwards toward the shoulders, creating a striking and assertive appearance.

For those with a more sartorial inclination, the shawl collar lapel is an excellent choice, typically reserved for evening wear. It offers a smooth, rounded edge that adds an elegant touch to tuxedos and dinner jackets. While some may wear it outside of evening events, its true place is in more formal settings.

The choice of collar can significantly influence the overall look and feel of a jacket, making it an essential consideration in tailoring. The right collar style complements the wearer's physique and the occasion, ensuring a balanced and harmonious appearance.

Notch Lapel

The notch lapel is a defining feature of classic jackets, known for its versatility and timeless appeal. It's characterized by a cut-out 'notch' where the collar meets the lapel, creating a sophisticated and clean look that suits almost any occasion. The placement of the notch is crucial; it should sit comfortably on the chest, not too high or too low, to effectively frame the face and enhance the overall silhouette of the jacket.

The notch lapel’s design serves both aesthetic and practical purposes. It balances the jacket’s proportions, ensuring that the upper body appears well-defined without drawing too much attention to any one area. This makes it an ideal choice for most body types and styles, from business suits to casual blazers.

In classic tailoring, the notch lapel is often seen as the standard, providing a reliable option for those who appreciate subtle elegance. Its understated design allows other elements of the jacket, such as the fit and fabric, to take center stage. Whether for a professional setting or a social event, the notch lapel remains a go-to choice for those seeking a polished and refined appearance.

Lapel Width

The lapel is a prominent feature of a tailored jacket, playing a significant role in its overall aesthetic. It is essential that the lapel is proportionate to the wearer's frame, as this ensures a balanced and flattering look. A moderately sized lapel generally suits most body types, providing a timeless appeal that avoids the extremes of fashion trends.

Wider lapels can create a more dramatic and bold effect, while narrower lapels, which have been in fashion for too long, can sometimes appear dated and less flattering. The key is to choose a lapel width that complements the wearer's physique and the overall style of the jacket.

A well-fitted lapel should finish around the waist button, just above the natural waist of the wearer. This placement, combined with the jacket's chest shaping, creates a flattering silhouette. If the chest is slightly rounded through careful construction, it allows the jacket to fit cleanly against the body while providing room to shape the waist effectively. This approach helps accommodate different body shapes, ensuring the jacket looks sharp and sophisticated.

The lapel's function extends beyond mere decoration; it helps frame the face and torso, contributing significantly to the jacket's fit and appearance. Properly designed lapels ensure that the jacket looks cohesive and well-proportioned, enhancing the overall impression of the garment.

Rear Vents

Vents are a key aspect of a jacket's design, contributing to both its functionality and style. Most contemporary jackets feature double vents, which are located on either side of the back. Double vents offer greater mobility and ease of movement, making the jacket more comfortable to wear, especially when sitting or engaging in activities. They also help the jacket drape better over the body, maintaining a clean line and flattering silhouette.

Single vents, often associated with traditional sports jackets, harken back to a time when tailoring was designed for more practical purposes, such as horseback riding. This style is less common today but still seen in certain traditional or sport-oriented designs.

Ventless jackets provide a sleek, uninterrupted line down the back, often reserved for formal evening wear. This style is less versatile but creates a very polished and elegant appearance, suitable for tuxedos and other formal attire.

In modern tailoring, double vents are the most popular choice due to their versatility and practical benefits. They accommodate various body types and styles, making them a reliable option for most jackets. The length and position of the vents can also affect the overall look of the jacket, with higher or lower vents creating different visual effects.


The length of a jacket is a critical factor in its overall aesthetic and functionality. A well-proportioned jacket length ensures that the garment looks balanced and appropriate for various settings. Generally, the length of a classic jacket should cover the seat, providing a clean and professional appearance.

There are a few rules of thumb to determine the right length. One common method is to let the jacket fall to the point where your fingers meet your palm when your arms are relaxed at your sides. This ensures the jacket is neither too long nor too short, maintaining a proportional look that complements the wearer's body.

The length can also vary depending on the formality of the jacket. Longer jackets tend to be more formal, while shorter lengths can be seen in more casual or fashion-forward designs. However, the primary goal is to ensure that the jacket's length harmonizes with the overall silhouette and covers the seat, creating a streamlined and polished look.

It's also essential to consider the length of the back of the jacket. Ensuring the back length is appropriate contributes to the jacket's overall drape and fit. A well-fitting jacket length enhances the wearer's posture and provides a cohesive look, making the jacket suitable for various occasions, from formal events to casual outings.


Sleeve length is a vital aspect of a jacket's fit and overall appearance. It is one of the easiest alterations to make, yet it significantly impacts how polished the jacket looks. The sleeve should taper naturally, framing the cuff of the shirt and allowing a bit of the shirt cuff to show. This small detail enhances the overall aesthetic, making the entire outfit appear more finished and intentional.

The ideal sleeve length should reveal about a quarter to half an inch of shirt cuff when the arms are relaxed at the sides. This subtle glimpse of cuff adds a touch of elegance and ensures that the proportions of the jacket and shirt are balanced. Too much or too little cuff exposure can throw off the look, so achieving the correct sleeve length is crucial.

For those with slimmer wrists or smaller shirts, a tailor can adjust the sleeve taper to ensure it fits neatly. However, the primary adjustment should focus on shortening the sleeve to the right length, rather than altering the taper excessively. Proper sleeve length contributes to a sleek and refined appearance, highlighting the precision and craftsmanship of the tailored jacket.


The lining of a jacket, while often overlooked, plays a significant role in both the functionality and personal expression of the garment. Internally, the lining affects how the jacket hangs and feels when worn. A well-chosen lining can ensure that the jacket moves fluidly with the wearer, enhancing comfort and overall fit.

From an aesthetic standpoint, the lining provides an opportunity for personal flair. While the exterior of a jacket might adhere to traditional colors and patterns, the lining can be bold and expressive. It’s a canvas for individuality, allowing the wearer to choose vibrant colors, intricate patterns, or unique textures that reflect their personal style. This hidden detail can be a pleasant surprise, revealing a touch of character and sophistication every time the jacket is removed.

Beyond aesthetics, the lining also serves practical purposes. It protects the interior fabric of the jacket, reducing wear and tear and extending the garment's lifespan. Additionally, the lining can contribute to temperature regulation, providing a layer of insulation in cooler weather or a breathable barrier in warmer conditions.


The way a jacket hangs is crucial to its overall fit and appearance, and this is significantly influenced by its lining. A well-fitting jacket should drape smoothly over the shoulders and down the back, creating a clean and streamlined look. The lining plays a key role in achieving this, as it helps the fabric move with the body, preventing bunching or awkward folds.

A high-quality lining ensures that the jacket hangs properly, enhancing both comfort and style. It allows the jacket to settle naturally on the body, contributing to a more polished and professional appearance. The right lining material can also add a layer of comfort, making the jacket more pleasant to wear for extended periods.

Additionally, the lining can impact how the jacket feels when in motion. A smooth, well-constructed lining allows the jacket to glide over the underlying clothing, preventing it from catching or pulling. This contributes to a more fluid and natural movement, which is essential for maintaining the jacket's shape and ensuring the wearer looks sharp.

When it comes to custom tailoring, few things are as essential as a perfectly fitted jacket. At Westwood Hart, we understand the importance of every detail, from the shoulders to the lining. Our custom-tailored suits and sport coats are meticulously crafted to ensure a flawless fit, offering a blend of classic style and modern comfort. With our easy-to-use online configurator, you can design your own garment, choosing from a wide range of fabrics, styles, and designs.

Whether you're looking for a timeless notch lapel jacket or a sophisticated peak lapel for a formal event, Westwood Hart has you covered. Our expert tailors ensure that each piece is made to your exact measurements, providing a personalized fit that off-the-rack clothing simply can't match. Plus, with our perfect fit guarantee, you can shop with confidence knowing that if something isn't right, you'll receive a full refund.

Design your perfect suit today with Westwood Hart, and experience the difference that custom tailoring can make.

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