The Art of Long-Term Suit Storage: Keep Your Suits in Top Shape

When it comes to preserving the quality and appearance of your suits, proper long-term storage is essential. By using the right techniques and materials, you can prevent damage to the fabric, shoulder pads, and overall shape of your suits.

First and foremost, always hang suits on appropriate hangers designed for suits. This ensures the weight is distributed evenly, protecting the suit's shape and structure. Pair this with a breathable garment bag, such as non-woven or calico cotton bags, to keep your suits dust-free and safe from moisture.

Before storing suits for an extended period, have them dry-cleaned. This step is crucial as it deodorizes the garments, removes sweat and food stains, and helps prevent oxidation. Additionally, dry-cleaning eliminates any moths or silverfish that may be hiding within the fabric.

If you're moving or need to store your suits in a location like a storage unit or a friend's spare room, keeping them on shaped coat hangers is ideal. However, if that's not possible, you can loosely fold the suit and wrap it in tissue paper before placing it in a well-ventilated plastic box or a suitcase. Avoid using cardboard boxes for storing clothing, as they provide an inviting environment for pests like silverfish and moths.

When traveling, consider using a travel garment bag to transport your suits safely. These bags are designed to minimize wrinkles and protect your suits from damage during transit. You can also learn specific folding techniques, such as the "roll and fold" method, to keep your suits looking sharp while on the go.

In summary, proper suit storage involves using appropriate hangers, breathable garment bags, and regular dry-cleaning. By following these guidelines, you can extend the lifespan of your suits and keep them looking impeccable for years to come.