Key Takeaways

  • Fabric Weight Balance: Understand the importance of balancing fabric weight to achieve both comfort and a wrinkle-free appearance.
  • Weave is Key: Recognize that the weave of the fabric plays a crucial role in breathability and overall comfort.
  • Texture for Casual Elegance: Learn how texture can transform a sport coat, making it suitable for casual yet sophisticated settings.
  • The Unlined Jacket Advantage: Discover the benefits of unlined jackets for enhanced airflow and comfort during summer.
  • Interlining for Shape: Gain insights into the importance of canvas interlining and how it affects the jacket's shape and wearability.
  • Bold Patterns and Colors: Embrace strong colors and patterns to distinguish summer sport coats from traditional business attire.
  • Single-Breasted for Summer: Understand why single-breasted jackets are more suitable for summer, offering comfort without compromising style.
  • Accessorizing for Warm Weather: Get tips on accessorizing with summer in mind, like choosing bow ties and open-weave ties for better airflow.

In today's post, we delve into the intricacies of crafting an exemplary summer sport coat. The common misconception is that any lightweight suit jacket suffices for summer wear. This, however, is a partial truth. We believe that to truly excel in summer fashion, one must adhere to eight fundamental principles.

Selecting the Right Fabric Weight

Firstly, selecting the appropriate fabric weight is crucial. While a lightweight jacket is desirable for its reduced insulation, thus offering a cooler experience, there's a delicate balance to strike. Fabrics that are overly light tend to succumb to excessive wrinkling, detracting from the garment's aesthetic appeal. We recommend starting with a fabric weight around 8 to 9 ounces (approximately 240 to 270 grams). This weight not only ensures a comfortable wear but also provides sufficient drape to the coat. Opting for a fabric lighter than this threshold might lead to problematic wrinkling.

Furthermore, it's imperative to understand that the weight of the fabric isn't the sole determinant of a sport coat's suitability for summer. The weave of the fabric plays an equally, if not more, significant role. A well-chosen weave contributes to the overall functionality and appearance of the coat, transcending the limitations imposed by mere weight considerations.

The Significance of Weave

The weave of a jacket is a pivotal element in its design, especially when considering summer sport coats. A tightly woven fabric will impede breathability, which is contrary to the desired effect of a summer jacket. For optimal coolness, a jacket should promote maximum airflow. An open weave is so effective that even a slight breeze can be felt, aiding in keeping the wearer cool. To ascertain whether a fabric is open or closed weave, one effective method is to hold it against a light source. An open weave fabric allows such visibility that one can almost read through it, whereas a tightly woven fabric will obstruct any such clarity.

Texture for a Casual Appeal

Sport coats, unlike traditional suits, are designed for more casual settings. The key to achieving a relaxed yet refined look lies in the texture of the fabric. Textures can be introduced through coarser weaves and slightly irregular yarns, leading to a more tactile and visually appealing surface. Take, for instance, linen fabrics where the yarn's inconsistency adds a three-dimensional aspect, distinguishing it from a regular business suit.

Unlined Jackets for Maximum Airflow

The concept of an unlined jacket is particularly pertinent for summer sport coats. Despite the open weave of the fabric, a lining can significantly reduce airflow. Linings, typically made from materials like viscose, Bemberg, or silk, are lightweight but densely woven, hence restricting breathability. In summer, the priority shifts to maintaining coolness, making an unlined jacket preferable. There are two main types of unlined jackets: completely unlined and half or quarter lined. The completely unlined variant is devoid of any lining, including in the sleeves and back. This style, though excellent for maximizing airflow, can sometimes lead to issues with the fabric clinging to shirts. The half or quarter lined option, on the other hand, strikes a balance by lining only the sleeves and shoulders, ensuring both comfort and appropriate drape.

The Role of Canvas in Jacket Construction

The interlining, or canvas, of a jacket is another crucial aspect. The canvas is what gives a two-dimensional fabric its three-dimensional shape on the body. This can be achieved either by sewing (creating a 'full canvas') or by gluing (known as 'fusing'). While fusing is more cost-effective, it compromises comfort and breathability. A sewn canvas, especially a full canvas, is the hallmark of quality, providing both comfort and a better fit. For summer jackets, a softer and lighter interlining is preferred, with cotton and wool blends being ideal choices over traditional horsehair blends.

Embracing Bold Patterns and Colors

Patterns also play a significant role in the design of summer sport coats. An open weave fabric, while offering breathability, can also be somewhat transparent. Bold patterns not only ensure that the jacket is not see-through but also distinctly differentiate the sport coat from a business suit. Patterns such as windowpanes, checks, or houndstooth are excellent choices, while traditional business patterns like pinstripes should be avoided. This differentiation underscores that a sport coat is not merely a suit jacket worn separately but a unique garment in its own right.

Embracing strong colors is a key element in elevating the distinctiveness of summer sport coats. When patterns are not a preference or do not align with personal style, opting for vibrant, summer-specific colors can be an excellent alternative. This approach involves stepping away from conventional shades like black, gray, charcoal, and navy, and instead embracing hues like light blue or rich green. Such colors not only create a unique and distinct look but also embody the vibrancy of summer.

It's important to note that solid colors are not the only option. Slightly mottled colors can add depth and texture to the garment. The spectrum of choices is wide, ranging from reds and oranges to turquoises, depending on individual comfort levels and the intensity of the color. For those uncertain about embracing bold colors, a practical tip is to select shades that are somewhat lighter and interwoven with white yarns. This technique softens the overall impact of the color, making it more wearable while still maintaining its bold character.

Single-Breasted Jackets for Summer Comfort

When it comes to the style of the jacket, a single-breasted design is often preferable for summer sport coats. Despite the elegance and masculine appeal of double-breasted jackets, the single-breasted variant is more suitable for summer due to its lesser fabric layers, offering increased comfort in warm weather. Attention to detail can significantly enhance the distinctiveness of a sport coat. Features such as patch pockets, central or shooting pleats in the back, angled pockets, contrasting collars, or collar tabs can set a sport coat apart from a traditional business suit. It's crucial to incorporate details that clearly differentiate the sport coat from standard office wear.

Accessorizing with Summer in Mind

Regarding accessories, the choice of neckwear can greatly influence comfort during summer. Bow ties are a practical option in hotter climates as they consist of a single layer around the neck without draping over the body, thus minimizing insulation and heat retention. For those who prefer traditional ties, selecting ones with an open weave can facilitate better airflow, enhancing comfort in warm conditions.

Westwood Hart: Tailoring Elegance for Every Season

At Westwood Hart, we understand that the essence of style lies in the details. Specializing in bespoke, custom, and authentic men's tailored clothing, our commitment to excellence is evident in every stitch. Whether you're seeking the perfect summer sport coat or a timeless suit, our expert tailors craft garments that are not only visually stunning but also exceptionally comfortable.

Our selection of fabrics, from lightweight weaves ideal for summer to luxurious blends for cooler seasons, ensures that your wardrobe is both versatile and elegant. With a keen eye for contemporary fashion and a nod to classic tailoring, Westwood Hart is your destination for attire that makes a statement.

Discover the difference that a Westwood Hart garment can make. From the boardroom to social gatherings, our tailored pieces are designed to elevate your presence and comfort, no matter the occasion or season. Visit us to explore our collection and experience tailoring at its finest.

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