A man wearing a dark navy blue suit at a formal wedding event with elegant decorations and soft lighting in the background.

How Many Suits Do You Really Need? A Comprehensive Guide for Every Man

Discover how many suits you really need based on your lifestyle and profession. From the occasional suit wearer to the corporate professional, our guide covers the essential suits for every type of man. Learn about the perfect suit collection for various occasions and seasons, ensuring you always look your best.

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A stylish evening look with a man wearing a velvet slipper, paired with a velvet jacket and mid-wash denim jeans, in an upscale lounge with dim, ambient lighting.

Stylish Outfits for Men: Perfect Evening Wear Tips

Creating stylish outfits for an evening out involves careful consideration of every detail. From denim jeans paired with a velvet jacket to coordinating shirts and ties with a patterned blazer, these insights ensure you look polished and well-dressed for any evening event. Embrace key pieces like the velvet jacket and the classic navy blazer to transition effortlessly from day to evening.

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Shearing process of sheep's wool with electric clippers in a shearing shed

How Sheep's Wool is Transformed into High-Quality Fabrics for Custom Suits

Discover the intricate journey of how sheep's wool is transformed into luxurious wool fabrics used in custom-tailored suits. From breeding and shearing to washing, dyeing, and weaving, learn about the detailed process that ensures high-quality wool for premium garments.

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Man wearing an outfit with mismatched patterns and clashing colours, demonstrating the mistake of poor coordination in menswear.

10 Signs of a Poorly Dressed Man and How to Avoid Them

Achieving a polished and sophisticated look requires understanding the essentials of menswear. From coordinating colours and patterns to maintaining shoe care, every detail counts. Discover the common mistakes to avoid and embrace subtlety to elevate your style. Learn how to avoid being a poorly dressed man and exude confidence and professionalism with every outfit.

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Well-fitted navy suit for men showcasing classic style and sophistication with a perfect fit in the shoulders, chest, and waist, tailored to highlight a sleek silhouette

The Ultimate Guide to Looking Impeccable in a Well-Fitted Suit

Discover the secrets to looking impeccable in a suit with our comprehensive guide. From understanding fit and fabric to choosing timeless styles and accessorising with flair, this article equips you with expert insights to ensure you always cut a dashing figure. Explore the nuances of suit construction, fabric quality, and the power of simplicity in colour and pattern selection. Learn how to make your suit a versatile part of your lifestyle and exude confidence with every wear. Plus, find out how Westwood Hart can help you achieve sartorial excellence with custom-tailored suits.

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Man in mid-50s wearing outdated jeans with rhinestones standing in front of a mirror in a bedroom

How to Avoid Fashion Mistakes and Maintain a Youthful Appearance for Men

Maintaining a youthful appearance requires attention to detail in fashion and grooming. From avoiding outdated clothing styles to choosing the right denim and skincare products, every element matters. Embrace modern styles, proper grooming habits, and a positive attitude to stay stylish and youthful at any age.

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Custom-tailored jackets from Westwood Hart showcasing lined and unlined options for men

Lined vs Unlined Jackets: The Ultimate Guide to Men's Jacket Linings

Dive into the world of men's tailoring as we unravel the mysteries of lined vs unlined jackets. Discover the pros and cons of each style, from breathability and durability to warmth and craftsmanship. Learn how to choose the perfect jacket for every occasion, whether it's a lined wool coat for winter or an unlined blazer for summer soirées.

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Side-by-side comparison of British and American tailoring styles in men's suits

The Differences Between British, American, and Italian Tailoring: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the distinct characteristics and nuances of British, American, and Italian tailoring. From the structured elegance of Savile Row to the relaxed sophistication of American suits and the lightweight designs of Italian tailoring, explore how these styles shape men's fashion today. Understand the evolution and future of tailoring, balancing tradition and innovation.

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tion of belts made from different materials including leather, suede, and fabric, illustrating the versatility and options available in men's belts.

Expert Guide to Men's Belts: Materials, Styling Tips, and More

Belts are a crucial yet often overlooked accessory in men's fashion. Understand the variety of materials and styles available, and how belts serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. This guide explores everything from the anatomy of classic belts to advanced styling techniques, offering insights for both casual and formal occasions. Discover how to choose and style belts effectively.

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Double-breasted jacket showcasing formality and peak lapels

Single-Breasted vs Double-Breasted Jackets: Style, Fit, and Seasonal Guide

When choosing a new jacket, deciding between single-breasted and double-breasted styles can be challenging. This article explores the benefits, style considerations, and fitting tips for both, helping you make an informed choice. Discover how each style can suit different body types and occasions, and get expert insights into tailoring and seasonal suitability.

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professional office attire guide for men in a corporate setting

How to Dress Professionally in the Modern Workplace

In today's increasingly casual workplace, maintaining a professional appearance can be challenging. This article offers practical tips on how to dress appropriately for your job role, blend personal style with professional standards, and use accessories to enhance your outfit. Learn how to navigate company dress codes, communicate with your boss about your attire, and elevate your overall look with thoughtful color choices. Perfect your office wardrobe with insights from a fashion expert.

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Close-fitted waistcoat showing detailed fit to the torso

Ultimate Guide to Waistcoats: Styles, Materials, and Fit

Waistcoats are a timeless piece of menswear that add sophistication and style to any outfit. From formal morning dress to elegant evening ensembles and casual looks, waistcoats offer versatility and flair. This detailed guide explores waistcoat styles, materials, fits, and how to incorporate them into various outfits, ensuring you make informed choices to elevate your wardrobe.

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